I was scheduled to give birth by planned c-section on January 23rd, as my son was previously born by a c-section after a failed induction. I remember finding it so weird to know the day she was going to be born, in fact I even knew when she was going to be born, before I knew she was a she! I also remember feeling a little disappointed that I would never get to have that "Honey, It's time" moment.
Little did I know, that my little princess wasn't about to have anyone tell HER when SHE was going to be born! Three days before my scheduled c-setion, I went into labor. I had a lot of braxton hicks throughout my pregnancy, and when I started having contractions on Monday night, I chalked it up to the busy weekend we had and decided to drink some water and head to bed. Except my contractions never let up, and continued on through the night, waking me up several times. Each time, I told myself "they're just braxton hicks" and rolled over to try and get some sleep. Finally, around 7am, I decided to take a hot shower and get ready to go, just in case. I woke my husband, a little too excited, and said those imfamous three little words...."Honey, it's TIME"
I called my DR to let her know we were on our way to the hospital, found a sitter for the kids, and we were on our way! When we got there, I was sent back to a room and hooked up to the monitors. My contractions were already 2 minutes apart, and I was 4cm dialated. The nurse called the on call DR and let him know we would be doing the c-section a little earlier than planned. When I got up to Pre-Op, I called my mom to let her know where I was. She was actually just on the other side of the hospital with my dad, who was having a heart catherderization.
The next part was a waiting game. We sat in the pre-op room waiting for the DR's schedule clear and an OR room to become available. We passed the time watching the inaugeration of President Barrack Obama, or my husband and my mother watched while I labored. I thought the whole fun of the "planned c-section" was that I didn't have to labor?!
Finally around 12:30 the DR met with us and briefed us for the surgery. Was it a coincidence that it was just after lunch time that we finally got to see him? Probably not! ;) They prepped me for surgery and took me back to the OR. Everything went very fast from there. They administered the spinal, and my husband joined me in scrubs moments later. I've never experienced a natural birth, so I don't know what to compair it to, but nothing is more magical then the DR holding up my baby for me to see and hearing her first cry.
She was so small, and so perfect. A mountain of jet black hair. The nurse brought her over to me so I could kiss her before taking her to clean her, weigh her, and do her apgars. She was 6lbs 5oz, and 20 inches long, and her apgars were 9 and 9 :) An image of perfection. After they finished stitching me I joined her and my husband in recovery where I got to hold her for the first time. It doesn't matter how many children you've had before - it's still a completely amazing feeling holding that tiny being for the first time. I was in awe of her tiny fingers, and big blue eyes.
I wish I had a remote so I could rewind time and relive those first precious moments again and again. To smell her sweet newborn smell again, and nurse her until she fell asleep sated in my arms.
The past 6 months have been truly amazing watching her grow. Her first smile, and first laugh. The way her eyes light up when she sees me. I know the future holds so many more beautiful memories, but I will always still cherish those first few moments.
January 20, 2009 - 1pm

♥ I love you always Angelface! ♥
Deenah, it made me teary reading your birth story - particularly the part about wanting to rewind time so you could relive those first few moments. There's nothing like it, is there? :-)